- <<区块链技术指南>>:本书适用于对区块链技术感兴趣,且具备一定信息和金融基础知识的读者;无技术背景的读者也可以从中了解到区块链的应用现状。
- <<精通比特币>> :想要加入一场颠覆金融世界的技术革命吗?《精通比特币》会为你参与这个货币网络提供必备知识,引导你进入看似复杂的比特币世界。无论你是正在构建下一个杀手级应用、投资创业,还是单纯对技术好奇,这本实用的书都是你不可或缺的阅读材料。
- 比特币开发者指南 | Bitcoin Developer Guide:此开发者指南旨在提供给你理解比特币的信息,让你能够开始构建以比特币为基础的应用,并不是一本规范手册。
- Node.js开发加密货币:本书可以作为Node.js开发加密货币的入门书籍(正式出版可能使用《Node.js区块链开发》),也可以作为亿书(及以Crypti为核心的应用Lisk)的官方开发文档。
- 比特币协议说明
- A(nother) Bittorrent client written in the go programming language
- Full-featured BitTorrent client package and utilities
- A Golang port of peerflix.
- dht: Kademlia/Mainline DHT node in Go.
- coinbits : A Python library for bitcoin peer to peer communication
- protocoin: A pure Python Bitcoin protocol implementation: doc
- kademlia: A DHT in Python Twisted
- An alternative full node bitcoin implementation written in Go (golang)
- A secure bitcoin wallet daemon written in Go (golang)
- gocoin: Full bitcoin solution written in Go (golang)
- bitcoinj: A library for working with Bitcoin with java
- dht_store : This is a proposal for an extension to the BitTorrent DHT to allow storing and retrieving of arbitrary data.
- BlockStore: Name registrations on the Bitcoin blockchain with external storage
- pydht: Python implementation of the Kademlia DHT data store
- A way to experiment with Bitcoin.
- pyp2p
- python-OP_RETURN: Simple Python commands and library for using bitcoin OP_RETURNs
- A Common Blockchain interface for the Bitcoin Core RPC.: 一个接口规范
- abstract-common-blockchain: A test suite and interface you can use to implement standard Bitcoin blockchain API calls for various backends and platforms.
- CryptoNote: CryptoNote protocol implementation. This is the reference repository for starting a new CryptoNote currency. See /src/cryptonote_config.h https://cryptonote.org/
- Colored-Coins: The Open Source Protocol for Creating Digital Assets On The Bitcoin Blockchain. 基于比特币区块链创建、管理数字资产的开源协议。
- CounterParty
- crypti
- ipfs: IPFS - The Permanent Web
- Open Assets Protocol
- Telehash : source
- BlockName: A blockchain-backed DNS resolver
- How to create genesis block
- Factom:
- BitShares: BitShares is an industrial-grade financial blockchain smart contracts platform.
- Blockstream: 侧链创业公司。 Blockstream’s core area of innovation is sidechains, a technology focused on improving on the blockchain, the most powerful public utility for distributed trust systems.
- openpublish: A publishing protocol for registering media as a digital asset on the Bitcoin blockchain.: 数字内容、数字资产注册、发布平台,产权可以方便转移,交换,而且可以很准确的统计阅读数
- bitstore
- bitstore-client: A content-addressable file hosting and distribution service that uses Bitcoin public key infrastructure for authentication and payment.
- abstract-common-wallet: 钱包通用服务接口
- my-two-bits:付费评论系统
- Blockai : 一种数字内容发布、管理平台,似乎可以用来对盗版影视剧的解决
- FileCoin
- Lisk: github, Lisk decentralized application platform and crypto-currency
- Boolberry: 更强隐私性
- Pebblecoin (XPB) - FIRST DPOS CRYPTONOTE COIN: github
- Sia - Decentralized Storage: white paper, github; Website
- Tendermint: Blockchain app development simplified – focus on business logic & we’ll handle the rest. github; Tendermint consensus protocol; white paper
- Tendermint TMSP: Tendermint socket protocol for blockchain applications
- Bitfury
- libbitcoin
- Enigma: Enigma is a decentralized cloud platform with guaranteed privacy. Private data is stored, shared and analyzed without ever being fully revealed to any party. Whitepaper
- Keyhotee: Decentralized ID and Communication
- ZeroNet: Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network. github
- zerocash: Zerocash is a protocol that provides a decentralized crypto-currency in which, as in Bitcoin, users collaborate to maintain the currency by broadcasting and verifying payment transactions. Zerocash, however, differs from Bitcoin in how these payment transactions are assembled and then verified. 更具有隐私保护的币。
- bitstarter-leaderboard: A more sophisticated Bitcoin-powered crowdfunder.
- untitled-dice.github.io: a basic bitcoin dice site